Thank you for considering a gift to UC Santa Barbara! If you know how you would like to make your gift, this page is your one-stop reference. If you would like to explore opportunities within UC Santa Barbara’s many disciplines and programs, or would like advice on the best giving vehicle for your philanthropy, you can connect with a development officer by area.

Gifts can be one-time or recur on a monthly basis. You might also consider a pledge that can be fulfilled over time to provide a source of consistent and dependable funding for the university.

Don’t know where to start? You can also call 805-893-2600 to reach our office for guidance.



Give Now



The fastest way to support UC Santa Barbara is through a secure online gift.

Make a Gift

To make a payment on an existing pledge, please visit You will need the pledge number (located on the printed reminder or last receipt) and the last name of the person who made the gift to login.


By Mail

Send a completed giving form and check to:

Office of Development
4219 Cheadle Hall
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2013



Call 805-893-GIVE to make your gift by phone.


Stocks or Securities

Start the process of making a gift of stock, mutual funds, or other securities by calling the UC Santa Barbara Foundation at 805-893-3100. Reaching out by phone ensures the proper distribution of your gift.

Gifts of securities are tax deductible at their full market value and recorded based on the mean market value of the stock, bond, or mutual fund on the date of gift; this is determined by the date the donor relinquishes control of the asset.


Donor-Advised Funds

Charitable investment accounts are one of the most tax-efficient ways to support UC Santa Barbara. Benefits include the ability to invest contributions and grow funds tax-free and the simplicity of managing charitable giving from a single account.

Would you like to direct a grant through Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, or another charitable institution or sponsor? To make a gift to UC Santa Barbara through a donor-advised fund, contact 805-893-2600. UC Santa Barbara’s EIN is 95-6006145. 

The mailing address is:
Office of Development
4219 Cheadle Hall
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2013



We accept donations in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other leading cryptocurrencies. These gifts can be designated to UC Santa Barbara through Endaoment. If you are interested in making a crypto-originating gift, please contact Christian Treitler with the UC Santa Barbara Foundation at 805-893-5594 to ensure proper designation of your donation.


Matching Gifts

One of the easiest ways to increase the impact of your gift is to request a match from your employer. It is a simple and effective way to make a huge difference.

Discover if your company is a matching gift company.

Plan a Gift

To make a gift-in-kind, a trust or estate gift, or an IRA contribution, contact Ilana Ormond at 805-893-5556. UC Santa Barbara’s Office of Planned Giving offers online tools to guide you through legacy gift options.


Retirement Plans

Donors aged 70 ½ or older may make a transfer of up to $100,000 to UC Santa Barbara from a traditional or Roth IRA, free from income tax each year and with possible state income tax savings. Amounts gifted in this way count toward the required IRA minimum withdrawal amounts for the year of the gift. To make this contribution, simply have the amount distributed directly from an IRA to UC Santa Barbara. You will not incur any tax penalties, nor will you receive a charitable income tax deduction.



Gifts of tangible personal property (for example: equipment, artwork or books) that are donated for educational purposes are recorded at their fair market value. Gifts-in-kind valued in excess of $500 should be accompanied by a deed of gift and the fair market value as determined by the donor. The IRS and the University require that gifts-in-kind valued at more than $5,000 also have a certified, independent appraisal provided by the donor.


Trust and Estate Gifts

Planning a gift through your estate may enable you to make a more significant gift than you thought possible. Trustee and estate gifts allow you to achieve your financial, philanthropic, and estate planning goals.

Giving From Abroad



In Canada, all gifts are tax-deductible as prescribed by law. UC Santa Barbara is recognized as a tax-exempt organization by Revenue Canada (UC Santa Barbara Foundation Tax ID 23-7314834).

United Kingdom

As a British and United States taxpayer, you may donate in pounds sterling to UC Santa Barbara via the University of California Trust (UK) in London - registered British Charity No. 1075405. Additionally, the University of California Trust (UK) can collect Gift Aid on your behalf and forward it to UC Santa Barbara. Click here for Gift Aid form.

Donors who have tax liabilities in the UK and the US can support UC Santa Barbara via the CAF American Donor Fund for dual US/UK taxpayers. Trading as Southampton Row Trust Ltd., the CAF American Donor Fund allows US citizens living in the United Kingdom to receive tax benefits in both countries for their international contributions.

For more information on donations from the UK, contact Matthew Daines, Executive Director, UC Trust (UK), at or +44 (0)20 7269 5908.

Other European Countries

As a European taxpayer, you can support UC Santa Barbara via Transnational Giving Europe (TGE), which currently covers 13 countries. Your donation to the national TGE partner will transfer the gift to Charities Aid Foundation(CAF) in London, and will offer you all the national fiscal advantages. CAF will then forward your gift to UC Santa Barbara with the assistance of the University of California Trust (UK).


Hong Kong taxpayers may make donations in Hong Kong dollars or US dollars via the University of California Foundation Limited in Hong Kong. Contributions will be tax deductible as provided for under Section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance. The University of California Foundation Limited will collect your contributions and forward them to UC Santa Barbara. Click here for remittance information.